An except from the book, "You Are the Money!" by: Wes Hall
STAGE NINE Single-mindedness is the mental zone reserved for the person who recognizes there is but one acceptable end – success! We Shall 217 Here is the final paragraph to this chapter: You may ask, “Did he make it back safely to the ladder? Did he reach the prize? Did he die in the process?” The answer is all the same for it is not the outcome of his fear-defying jump that matters. More important is the fact he jumped — that separates him from his peers and forever makes him “one” among many. That single-minded act separates winners from the pack. Success is scary because not only must you do all you can to reach the top, but also, to make it to the highest level, you must abandon your fears and jump! SINGLE-MINDEDNESS The Winner’s Zone Unflinching focus — that’s the zone where winners reside. A winner is able to block out any and everything not associated with his dream. As you prepare to garner the wealth you desire, you would be wise to learn the ways of single-mindedness. Single-mindedness is vital to your success because of the life distractions you will encounter along the way. Every major undertaking requires extensive contact with a variety of people. Your ability to effectively navigate those waters will rely on your ability to keep your eyes on the prize. Single-mindedness makes invisible all things not associated with your goal or destination. You probably can recall a time when you were listening to music while working on a project. Somewhere during the process you ceased to hear the music. You only became aware of the music when you exited the realm of single-mindedness. Focus – Extreme Intensity The ability to intensely focus can be likened to the lens of a powerful telescope. The lens focuses the power of the sunray coming through the telescope and increases it a thousand times. In other words, a person using extreme focus can amplify a simple thought a thousand times. You see the reality of that statement through the efforts of George Washington Carver. He discovered 300 different uses for a mere peanut. Again, a simple thought magnified by a thousand. Your first single-minded effort may be to find your purpose. You can use that as your beginning point. Start by observing yourself at a deeper level. In your mind, retrace the areas of success you’ve experienced over the course of your life. When you identify your purpose, you will be ready to zero in on your focus. You may have heard the phrase “eye of the tiger” — that’s the level of intensity you must obtain. To develop the eye of the tiger, you must eat, sleep and breathe your purpose. There can be no separation between you and your purpose. When you go to sleep, you sleep with it. It must be at your fingertips every waking moment of your day. When you sit in front of it, every fiber of your being must respond to it. When you commit your thoughts to it, every other thought must submit to it. When you focus at that level, you will meet with success. Even if your initial efforts don’t produce immediate success, your intense efforts will attract the people, events and opportunities for future victories. Total Cooperation Single-mindedness is attained when there is total cooperation between the heart, mind and body. When those three units operate in unison toward one objective, the result will be success. Mastering that state of mind requires all three faculties to be firing at the same time toward the same end. The absence of any one of the three will spell failure. Each one of those faculties has its own mode of operation and value system. The heart continuously embraces feeling and all things associated with emotions. The body is consumed with the appetites of the world — sexuality, food and all aspects of pleasure. The mind is the reasoning mechanism – searching and seeking answers to questions posed by its environment or circumstance. Most of our lives are spent with those three entities warring with one another. Even when we make up our minds to head in a certain direction, one of our faculties always seems to not fully agree with the decision. Therefore, we carry out that decision with only a fragment of our true potential. The intensity generated from a single-minded act is equivalent to a freight train traveling at top speed. Just like the train, a single-minded thought has one objective – to move forward. Only a force that is equal to or greater than that force stands a chance of surviving such an onslaught. That is the impact of single-mindedness. Going For It All Picture a million dollars in cash or any object you desire. Keep in mind the desired object must be something you would give your all for. Now picture your prize high above the ground on a ledge. Imagine yourself climbing a 50-foot ladder. You get to the top of the ladder and realize you can’t quite reach the prize. In fact, you realize you must stand at the very top of the ladder to see your prize. Now you’re standing at the top with nothing to hold on to – (this test is only between you and your prize). The fear is overwhelming, but you don’t give up. You fight your fear. You rise up to grab your prize and then realize you still cannot reach it. By now, the prize is in full view. There it is, and it’s yours for the taking. It occurs to you to reach your prize you have to get on your tiptoes. On top of a 50-foot ladder with no support and a cement floor below – on your tiptoes! (Some people just eliminated themselves from reaching their dream.) You look inside yourself and recognize how far you’ve come to get here, how many tears you’ve cried and how many people said you’d never make it. You recall how often you suffered the humiliation of knowing you can when everyone else thinks you cannot. You rise to your tiptoes, hold your breath and reach for the prize. But you quickly discover even on your tiptoes you can only touch the ledge that holds your prize. By now, the prize has taken on a new dimension. It’s not just a pie-in-the-sky dream anymore. No, no, no! It’s yours – it’s personal – you can feel the adulation you will receive upon capturing the prize. You can feel the pride that comes from earning the respect of your peers. Your Mom and Dad will say, “That’s our son (or daughter)!” They’ll be so proud when the neighbors speak highly of them because of you. All this can be yours! But you discover one small obstacle. To obtain the prize, you have to jump to get it. (Still more individuals, a very large group, just eliminated themselves from obtaining their prize.) The Mind and Heart of A Winner Now the mind, heart, body and spirit of a winner truly can be seen. For such a rare human, the prize is not a mere prize at all. The prize, although separate in appearance, really is the winner in another form. You see, you won’t risk yourself totally for something you merely want. You will, however, merge with what you are. In the words of Les Brown, best-selling author and speaker, “You don’t get out of life what you want; you get out of life who you are.” In the winner’s mind, there is only one course of action. He or she knows life is meaningless without that prize. So there alone on top of the 50-foot ladder stands the winner. And faced with himself, the part of him that awaited this moment comes forward. He eyes the prize and mentally and physically disengages from his fear. He goes into a state of single-mindedness and with one burst of knowing, he jumps to capture his destiny. You may ask, “Did he make it back safely to the ladder? Did he reach the prize? Did he die in the process?” The answer is all the same for it is not the outcome of his fear-defying jump that matters. More important is the fact he jumped — that separates him from his peers and forever makes him “one” among many. That single-minded act separates winners from the pack. Success is scary because not only must you do all you can to reach the top, but also, to make it to the highest level, you must abandon your fears and jump! Order your copy today! http://www.weshall217.com/books.html |